Bouquet of flowers "Tender rose" from soap


This exquisite bouquet of delicate roses is crafted from soap but looks just like fresh flowers. The soap has a beautiful rose scent, allowing you to adorn your home’s interior with both visual and fragrant charm. The flowers will retain their lovely scent for about a year and will never wilt. These soap flowers can always be used as intended: they create a soft lather and provide gentle skin care. As a gift idea, this Soap handmade bouquet from Agnes is a perfect surprise for any occasion.

Approximate Weight: Entire Bouquet 1lb3oz.

Dimensions: 8x7x7

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This exquisite bouquet of delicate roses is crafted from soap but looks just like fresh flowers. The soap has a beautiful rose scent, allowing you to adorn your home’s interior with both visual and fragrant charm. The flowers will retain their lovely scent for about a year and will never wilt. These soap flowers can always be used as intended: they create a soft lather and provide gentle skin care. As a gift idea, this Soap handmade bouquet from Agnes is a perfect surprise for any occasion.

Approximate Weight: Entire Bouquet 1lb3oz.

Dimensions: 8x7x7

This exquisite bouquet of delicate roses is crafted from soap but looks just like fresh flowers. The soap has a beautiful rose scent, allowing you to adorn your home’s interior with both visual and fragrant charm. The flowers will retain their lovely scent for about a year and will never wilt. These soap flowers can always be used as intended: they create a soft lather and provide gentle skin care. As a gift idea, this Soap handmade bouquet from Agnes is a perfect surprise for any occasion.

Approximate Weight: Entire Bouquet 1lb3oz.

Dimensions: 8x7x7

Soap Flower Bouquet - Roses in an Elegant Box
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