Soap Flower Bouquet - Roses in an Elegant Box

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This exquisite Soap Flower Bouquet - Roses in an Elegant Box is the perfect gift idea and a charming addition to any interior. Unlike real flowers, this bouquet will never wilt and will retain the delightful fragrance of freshly cut roses. Bring joy to your friends and loved ones with this thoughtful present. Each bouquet is carefully packaged in floral cellophane, tied with a ribbon, and ready for gifting.

Crafted from natural vegan ingredients, this soap handmade product is gentle on your skin and free from sulfates, parabens, preservatives, and phthalates. Handmade with love by Agnes, this bouquet embodies the essence of thoughtful craftsmanship. Perfect for anyone looking to buy soap that doubles as a beautiful decorative item. Don’t miss out on this unique buy gift option that will surely impress!

Approximate Weight: Entire Bouquet 2lb3oz.

Dimensions: 9 x 9 x 9

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This exquisite Soap Flower Bouquet - Roses in an Elegant Box is the perfect gift idea and a charming addition to any interior. Unlike real flowers, this bouquet will never wilt and will retain the delightful fragrance of freshly cut roses. Bring joy to your friends and loved ones with this thoughtful present. Each bouquet is carefully packaged in floral cellophane, tied with a ribbon, and ready for gifting.

Crafted from natural vegan ingredients, this soap handmade product is gentle on your skin and free from sulfates, parabens, preservatives, and phthalates. Handmade with love by Agnes, this bouquet embodies the essence of thoughtful craftsmanship. Perfect for anyone looking to buy soap that doubles as a beautiful decorative item. Don’t miss out on this unique buy gift option that will surely impress!

Approximate Weight: Entire Bouquet 2lb3oz.

Dimensions: 9 x 9 x 9

This exquisite Soap Flower Bouquet - Roses in an Elegant Box is the perfect gift idea and a charming addition to any interior. Unlike real flowers, this bouquet will never wilt and will retain the delightful fragrance of freshly cut roses. Bring joy to your friends and loved ones with this thoughtful present. Each bouquet is carefully packaged in floral cellophane, tied with a ribbon, and ready for gifting.

Crafted from natural vegan ingredients, this soap handmade product is gentle on your skin and free from sulfates, parabens, preservatives, and phthalates. Handmade with love by Agnes, this bouquet embodies the essence of thoughtful craftsmanship. Perfect for anyone looking to buy soap that doubles as a beautiful decorative item. Don’t miss out on this unique buy gift option that will surely impress!

Approximate Weight: Entire Bouquet 2lb3oz.

Dimensions: 9 x 9 x 9

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